The selection of species and varieties of fruit trees for planting

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For Sveg, fruit grower – amateur has an altogether different starting points during the organized production of fruit. Also by that vary on smaller manufacturers povrišinama of organizations that raise commercial plantations. For the major producers of fruit are crucial optimal natural conditions and market demands.

Time of planting

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I kad Vreme sađenja? Time of planting fruit trees can be successfully performed, as a rule, Throughout the winter dormancy; since the end of the vegetation in the fall, to the movement of vegetation – in the spring. However, in areas of moderate zone, winter is not suitable for planting seedlings of fruit trees (except for rare exceptions), because the soil is frozen, te se samo sađenje… Read more »

Reminder works for August

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Bella plant more colorful flowers, and fewer leaves. When hanging plants become too long or some plants to develop more than others, branches should be shaped with scissors. Shoots will branch out and will soon appear on the new buds.


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Land is an important natural factor in achieving success in the production of fruit. When we encountered various types of land. Certain types of fruit have a certain demand on the soil properties. Tako, na first, too moist soil and those areas where water reserves too long, not for growing fruit trees.